Answers to your questions!
Looking for answers about Kidz Quarterz Child Care Center? Start here with these common questions.
Why should parents choose Kidz Quarterz?
At Kidz Quarterz, we believe that education should be “real” and “natural”. Our classrooms will be based around the concept that if there are 100 ways to do something we will encourage our children to discover number 101. We believe in making each child feel special about himself/herself. Our centers are a healthy place for children to learn, play and grow. We offer children an atmosphere of warmth, understanding, and a place to develop both as individuals and as part of a small group.
Do you have an open door policy?
Kidz Quarterz encourages you to visit with us anytime. Parents are welcome to all center functions such as birthday parties, holiday parties or holiday programs. Our belief is that the more time you spend within the facility getting to know the caregivers and observing within the classrooms, the more confident you will become as a parent with the environment you have chosen for your child.
What is the turnover rate with staff?
At Kidz Quarterz we are proud of the staff, their credentials and our low turnover rate. We have staff members that have worked at Kidz Quarterz since the day we opened! Many staff have been with us for 10 years or more.
Do staff have clearances?
Clearances and background checks are part of our staff selection process. Child abuse, criminal record and FBI clearances are all completed for staff. References are checked to confirm prior child care experience and length of time spent caring for children. Staff are also trained in first aid, and fire safety.
What kind of discipline techniques do you use?
Kidz Quarterz uses redirection as our main form of discipline. We believe that children respond more to positive reinforcement than to negative reinforcement. Therefore, we reward positive behavior with stickers, stamps, awards, and positive words! If redirection and positive reinforcement are not sufficient we will use time out.
Do you still send the children outside if it is too cold/hot?
Children are taken outside every day, weather permitting, to play. It has been proven that outside play promotes good health. Parents are required to provide proper attire each day in the event we decide to head outdoors.
Do I still have to pay if my child does not attend?
There are no tuition deductions due to absence, holiday closings, or weather related closings. Tuition is due regardless of your child attending or not.
Do you offer vacation credits?
After one year of full time service, clients are entitled to a vacation credit. The vacation credit includes paying ½ tuition for the week the child is absent for vacation. The child may not be in attendance for the entire week of vacation. This is offered only to year round, full time clients.
What holidays are you closed?
The centers will be closed on the following Holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.
Holidays occurring on Saturdays are observed on Friday. Holidays occurring on Sunday are observed on Monday. There are no tuition deductions for holiday closings.
Do you celebrate holidays?
Yes, the children celebrate a variety of holidays throughout the year. This enables us to teach the children about various cultures and practices that are celebrated throughout.
Staff/Child Ratios?
Infant- 4:1 however; we try to keep a 3:1 ratio in the infant room
Young Toddler- 5:1
Older Toddler- 6:1
Preschool/School Age 10:1
Do you potty train?
Yes, we encourage children to begin potty training at the age of 2. The facilities each have accessible toileting areas within the classrooms, which make it a simple and convenient process.
Do you have a sick policy?
Yes, children with symptoms of illness should be excluded from child care. We ask that children do not attend with the following symptoms: A fever of 101 degrees or higher, respiratory symptoms, diarrhea, vomiting, eye discharge, sore throat, constant runny nose, persistent cough, or skin rashes that have been undiagnosed.
What our parents are saying:
"Our daughter joined the Kidz Quarterz family at the age of 6 weeks. We searched for and toured many daycare facilities and feel so lucky to have found Kidz Quarterz. The staff and teachers are very special and have a passion for caring, nurturing and help the kids grow in many ways. We wouldn't recommend any other facility to anyone. "
Courtney R, New Cumberland, Pa
"Our daughter joined the Kidz Quarterz family at the age of 6 weeks. We searched for and toured many daycare facilities and feel so lucky to have found Kidz Quarterz. The staff and teachers are very special and have a passion for caring, nurturing and help the kids grow in many ways. We wouldn't recommend any other facility to anyone. "
Courtney R, New Cumberland, Pa